we have made it past the 5 month mark! how are you enjoying rolling around on my bladder? I pee about 22 times a day, and that's a modest estimate. you wiggle and punch and kick me all the time. like, you never stop flipping and flopping and whooshing around. the midwives always laugh because of how long it takes them to chase you around my belly before you hold still long enough for them to get a heartbeat. it's taken around 20 minutes the past two appointments. our ultrasound tech said you were an extremely active baby. that makes me kind of proud of you :) never stop moving and trying, bud.
oh and you're a boy! hi baby boy! I kind of always thought you were a boy. I've called you a he since you were a blastocyst, and would have been surprised if you were a girl. the only problem with you being a boy is that I have a definite girl name picked. kaia mae. but I cannot for the life of me come up with a boy name. I had a dream before you even existed that i had a baby boy named Cohen. and I love that name! but apparently there are a few Jewish people who would find a non-Jew naming their baby the Jewish word Kohen a little odd, and sometimes maybe even offensive because a long time ago it signified that whoever held that name was a priest, or came from a long line of "pure" Jewish priests. mama doesn't like offending people, so I am still deciding whether i feel like this applies to us, because we are not Jewish. Daddy likes Kall, and I kind of do too! but there's a show on TV right now called "Better Call Saul" and it's what pops in my mind lately when I think Kall Koncar.. naming a human being is a huge task, buddy! for now, you're going to be Cohen Kall Koncar-- we'll call you coko when you're little, and CK or Kall when you're a little older, because the Koncar boys go by MK, PK and AK. And I really think that within 10 or 20 years, by the time you would ever decide to go by Cohen, or move to a place with a more apparent Jewish population, the first name Cohen will be a lot more common. Don't get your heart set on anything though, because i'll bet I change my mind as often as I change my favorite foods in the next few months :)
speaking of which, between weeks 12 and 16, you were almost exclusively made out of pho. really really spicy pho. and I had to have it almost every day. daddy and isabelle were so nice to eat at Oh Mai a billion times. I've gained about 2 pounds, and these days you're being built out of lemon yogurt, dried fruit, dark chocolate, and anything spicy. and a few donuts. and also about 6 cheeseburgers from mcdonalds over the past 4 months. I've really limited the mcdonalds, I pinky swear. but every once in a while, those specific mcd's pickles and little chopped onion things are all I can think about. I take my vitamins and probiotics and DHA and gelatin and kale smoothies and 100 ounces of water every day! let's hope those cancel out the GMOs I've eaten ;)
I'm starting to really adore you lately. don't get me wrong, you're my baby and i'll always love you, but up until a few days ago you were still a strange little creature I've never met causing my guts to be shoved into my ribcage. a semi-cute creature that I intrinsically care about, but we haven't really met.. we're still kind of strangers. it's hard to explain I guess, but now I watch the video I have of you punching me 10 times a day, looking at your sweet little chin and your tiny tummy that actually look like real baby chin and tummy, and I simply can't wait to meet you. keep on cooking and wiggling in there, little guy. mama will be waiting.
You're adorable and so glad you're doing well with this little munchkin growing! Xoxo Miss you boo!