Sunday, September 21


i found you
you found me
out of all the people
what a thought 
that our paths crossed

so much has happened
it's been so easy with you
like i've done this my whole life 
it's been a little swift, but then again
i've always done everything fast

i keep fearing that i'll open my eyes
and life will go back to normal
my old normal, my old home
that old normal is a dead beaten horse
that cozy home i carved out of dirt

i understand, i really do
that it's for the best that it's gone
for the better of me and him
turning over a new leaf, a new life
means taking only lessons from the old one
and physically leaving it behind
leaving him to turn over his own new leaf

but this scar tissue still burns, just a little
that dull pain i knew as comfort feels newly raw
when i think that things will never be the same
the same girl i was that summer, those kids he & i were
and that same life that i really loved sometimes

for so many years, he felt like home to me
sure i came and went as i pleased
 we slowly wrenched each others hearts out
but i always went back and
he was always there waiting
we kept each other company
while we both tried to grow up

 i remind myself that eventually, someday
this new house won't feel so foreign
i'll have comfortable, normal, be home again
but the right way this time, with you
someday this family will feel like mine
things won't all be so new
fun and thrilling, right now, yeah
but so so scary too. 

it's scary to know that if you left
 i don't know if i would ever be okay

i wonder if i know what i'm doing
or if i've thought this through
i don't doubt you for a second
or how wonderful you are
you and i were made for each other

but i let it creep in
that self doubt
of my intentions
my beauty
my integrity
my value

it's scary to know that if you left
i don't think i would ever be okay again
do i dare hand you over my sword? my soul?
 and not just bits and pieces, but give you my whole heart?

sometimes it hits me, hard in my lungs
like a blow to the back that knocks out your breath
like i'm watching my life on a movie reel

i just stand still
not breathing
shake it off
hold your hand
and swallow
absorbing all of this
this new life
this new love
this new girl
that i'm becoming

i tell myself that it's okay
to let the past still sting
i remind myself that it's alright
to be a little overwhelmed, and scared
you and our future are so worth it.


 photo FinalSIG_zps5ea99cea.png

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